Thursday, 26 February 2009

Re-launch, work in progress... a little further on.

Work on the pattern for Re-launch is progressing nicely. The pictures below show the progress made by mid February.

Resting my eyes!

Monday, 23 February 2009

Re-launch, carving base detail.

The top of the spiral base for Re-launch is hand carved. The photographs below show its progress.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

At the Foundry, Selby Time Line

The Time Line is being cast at H. Downs and Sons Ltd, Huddersfield. The foundry has cast my work for a number of years, they're great to work with.

At the foundry (photo courtesy of Nigel Downs)

Detail of cast section 1.

Detail of cast section 10.

Section 8 'Transport & Sport.'

Detail from Section 8.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Re-launch, work in progress

The pattern for Re-launch is carved from polystyrene. Gradually the piece will take shape over the next few weeks.

Re-launch (at the brickworks)

The spiral starting to take shape.

The spiral base is made from hand cut bricks.

SWLP Re-launch


Ship Builder


The focal point is a free standing cast-iron sculpture, 2.4m in height. The piece features four figures from history - a Monk, a Miller, a Marine Engineer and a Miner - each carrying a symbol of their industry. Above them, a boat, its oars aloft resembling stylised trees, represents progress propelled by Nature. The sculpture conveys a positive message of renewal and regeneration, of Man's reliance on Nature and is intended to encourage the viewer to question their influence on the world around them.


Stone ball with flat bottom

Cutting a flat bottom


Lifting and shifting stone ball